Rolls-Royce plc, Derby, UK, 2011 – Now
In-service event investigation ; Trent XWB-84 icing certification ; Trent 900 modification clearance ; Ice Crystal Consortium Chair ; Certification Requirement Owner (CS-E780 & CS-E790) ; Engine Icing Working Group Chair ; Global Methods Council Chair ; Trent XWB-97 and -84EP icing test planning, execution and data analysis ; Engine preliminary design and systems engineering ; Safety and airworthiness ; Software toolkit strategy ; Critical Point Analysis software development ; Capability development strategy ; Training development ; Research management ; Coaching External interfaces
Skills demonstrated
Global capability leadership and chairmanship ; Strategy development and management ; Software and systems development ; Data analysis ; Data forensics ; Data workflow creation ; Systems engineering ; Requirements management ; Project planning and management ; Budgeting ; Preparation of proposals ; Coaching and training ; Algorithm development ; Simulation validation ; Brainstorming, including TRIZ ; Technology development ; Process automation ; Software development and approval ; Thermodynamics ; Multi-phase flow ; Process authoring
Tools and technologies
Python ; Power BI ; Power Query ; Matlab ; Minitab ; Excel Visual Basic for Applications ; Phobos performance data system ; Microsoft SQL Server ; FORTRAN ; CreateStudio ; Adobe Premiere ; Adobe Photoshop ; Microsoft PowerPoint ; Microsoft Visio
Data sources
Engine Health Monitoring snapshot data ; 1 Hz in-service aircraft and engine data ; 100 Hz & 33 Hz recorded engine and facility data ; Charts and tabular data from publications ; Analysis output High speed video.
In-service event investigation
Use of multiple data sources to investigate engine events in revenue service. This invariably has meant combining observed data with predictive modelling tools, leading to new understanding. The new understanding is then exploited to update product design for continued airworthiness, including physical modifications, operational changes and improvements to data-driven engine health monitoring techniques. The results are also used to improve the predictive modelling methods and to drive improvements in the design and certification processes.
Tools and technologies: Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Excel and VBA, Matlab, Python, MARS performance models, Phobos performance data system.
Data sources: 1 Hz QAR, Engine Health Monitoring reports on SQL database, METAR meteorological reports, weather satellite imagery, ECMWF weather models, performance modelling data, video and photographs.
Trent XWB-84 icing certification
Use of computational analysis techniques to investigate test data, transforming a difficult test result into an argument for certification and successful presentation of results to certification authorities.
Tools and technologies: Hydra CFD toolkit, Phobos performance data system, Microsoft Excel and VBA, SS02 Paraview, Python.
Data sources: 100 Hz and 33 Hz recorded engine and facility data, video and photographs, performance modelling data, CFD output.
Trent 900 modification clearance
Development and execution of an analytical approach to certify modifications to the Trent 900 engine without the use of an engine icing test, thus avoiding expenditure of several million pounds.
Tools and technologies: Hydra and SS02 Paraview CFD toolkit, ALICE performance data system.
Data sources: 33 Hz recorded engine and facility data.
Ice Crystal Consortium
Rolls-Royce representative and co-chair for the industry-wide Ice Crystal Consortium for research into the phenomenon of engine icing in high altitude ice crystal conditions.
Certification Requirement Owner
Company focal point for certification regulations relating to icing, rain, hail and other environmental threats. Liaison with EASA, FAA, Transport Canada, CAAC, ANAC, FATA and IAC aviation certification authorities. Responsible for reviewing proposed certification changes and suggesting alterations.
Engine Icing Working Group
Co-chair and Rolls-Royce representative for the industry-wide Engine Icing Working Group, tasked by the aeronautical certification authorities to assist in updating safety and certification requirements.
Global Methods Council
Chair of the Engine Environmental Protection Global Methods Council, responsible for developing technologies, tools, processes, methods and people in the technical specialism across all Rolls-Royce aeronautical propulsion engineering sites.
Trent XWB-97 and -84EP icing test planning, execution and data analysis
Engine testing from initial requirements through to agreeing the results with the certification authorities. My work included requirements gathering, instrumentation and data logging requirements specification, validation of test vehicle suitability, development of test matrix, conversion of flight conditions to test conditions, agreement of test plan with customers and certification authorities, scenario planning, test execution, replanning with new learning, data analysis, documentation, presentation and agreement.
Engine preliminary design and systems engineering
Development of whole engine, product system and subsystem design requirements and solutions for aeronautical gas turbine engines, both for specific products and for a generic product for product family reuse. Use of systems engineering practices. Coordination of integrated project teams.
Safety and airworthiness
Identification of potential safety and airworthiness concerns. Issue containment by numerical risk statistical assessment. Investigation of concerns through analysis of available data and computational modelling. Development of mitigating design features where necessary.
Software toolkit strategy
Responsible for the overall strategy and requirements setting for the Engine Environmental Protection discipline. This involves determining the optimal architecture of tools for test analysis, service event investigation, predictive modelling and design methods, balancing between accuracy, simplicity, reliability, speed and validity.
Critical Point Analysis software development
Development of a new software tool to meet airworthiness certification requirements to perform a critical point analysis for the identification of extreme cases for supercooled liquid water icing. Requirements development, identification of principle physical phenomena, design of framework, modular development and coding of models in VBA in Excel, calibration of models to experimental data, user and design documentation, testing, quality process adherence, communication of tool to certification authorities and execution of tool for engine test matrix definition.
Tools and technologies: Matlab, Minitab, Excel Visual Basic for Applications, Phobos performance data system.
Data sources: 100 Hz & 33 Hz recorded engine and facility data; charts and tabular data from publications; analysis output.
Capability development strategy
I am responsible for the formulation of the strategy for the development of the technical discipline, encompassing the development of new technologies, research activities to create knowledge, the embedding of that knowledge into tools, methods and processes, and the development of people to ensure the vitality of the discipline.
Training development
I have created extensive training materials for new starters, for established engineers and for managers across the organisation. This has ranged from traditional PowerPoint decks and reports to intranet material, wiki pages, instructor-led courses and videos for individual learning.
Research management
I have provided technical management of extensive research activities within my technical discipline. This has included supervision of activities at various universities in the UK, USA and Australia and testing in Canada.
The development of engineers is vital to the knowledge-based industry in which Rolls-Royce operates. I have therefore provided coaching to junior engineers, to help them gain the mindset needed to work effectively in a challenging environment.
External interfaces
In the aeronautical propulsion industry, there are very close relationships with the aircraft manufacturers, the certification authorities, suppliers, governments and research organisations. My work as a company specialist has meant that I have had close interaction with all of these groups, representing Rolls-Royce, providing and seeking information and ensuring smooth and transparent working.